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AdventureBox MAX! Ages 9-14 (AUDIO INCLUDED)


After the child has mastered the basic English vocabulary and reading comprehension skills, parents can encourage the child to choose more interesting medium-length novels, because the golden period for children to develop English reading and writing skills is between 9 and 12 years old. With stories, it is easier for children to master different grammar, vocabulary, and sentence patterns, build English thinking, and lay an important foundation for future learning.

“AdventureBox MAX!” is suitable for children aged 9 to 14. Graphic novels have themes such as adventure, fantasy, history, humor, emotion, etc., as well as detective comics, big questions that inspire curiosity, brain games, etc., to improve children’s English. The children’s reading and writing skills would be improved, and the confidence in using English could also be enhanced.



Audio Sample



Made in the UK. Recommended Award Winner in Parents’ Choice Award (US)

AdventureBox MAX! is the magazine that takes kids further.  This title is a leisure read to contrast rigorous academic reading and is packed with wholesome values and guiding questions about the world around them.  The distinctive format helps kids to really sense their progress and see that they’ve arrived at the next step in their reading journey.

66 pages filled with:

An exciting illustrated story, pair with visually stimulating illustrations by artists from around the world to give an added dimension to richness of the story.

A chat with the creators allows kids to understand more about the creative underpinnings of each story.

Puzzles and games to stimulate creative and critical thinking, observation and reasoning in a fun way.

Hilarious comics that develop their sense of humour as well as their reading.

Subscription Options:

  • Full-year subscription: 10 issues
  • Half-year subscription: 5 issues
  • Combined issues in Jan/Feb and July/Aug

AdventureBox MAX! 

Additional information


Full year – 10 issues, Half Year – 5 issues

Subscription Start Month

Current Issue ( Current Month for orders placed before 15th and Next Month for orders placed after 15th), Renewal ( Starts when my old subscription ends )


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